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PySandbox uses Pyodide under the hood. If you are running python code on the main thread, it’s fairly simple to bootstrap Pyodide directly in your code. PySandbox will provide additional utilities like display for showing pyplots and managing other IPython outputs.

Pyodide does not setup web workers out of the box. If you site is crossOriginIsolated, PySandbox can be easily configured to execute python code in a web worker.


PyScript is great for configuring a single html page to run Python code as well as providing acess to DOM through its pyweb API. Python code in PyScript is defined in custom script tags such as <script type="py"></script>. If you are using a JS web-framework (e.g. a React-based framework) to build your web application, you may find PySandbox easier to use with its pure JS invocation without needing to rely on <script type="py"> and <py-script> tags.


react-py is a React package that provides out-of-box support for many Pyodide functionalities. PySandbox package is not React specific and offers more flexibility in its APIs. This guide covers how to use PySandbox in React.