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Sandbox Options


PyMainThreadSandbox and PyWorkerSandbox takes an optional argument in constructor with the following:

interface PySandboxOptions {
jsApi?: Record<string, Function>;
modules?: Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>;
packages?: string[];
restricted?: boolean;

jsApi is a named key value pair where the name of the function will be available in the js module.

function getFooFunc() {
const sandbox = new PyMainThreadSandbox({ jsApi: { getFoo: getFooFunc } });

will make js.getFoo available in python code. For example:

import js

will call getFooFunc.

modules are a list of custom modules that you want to be included. For example:

const modules = {
"": `
def bar():
const sandbox = new PyMainThreadSandbox({ jsApi: { modules } });

will drop a into the FS which you can import directly.

packages is a list of python packages that will be installed initially in the pyodide interpreter. eg new PyMainThreadSandbox({ packages: ["numpy"] }) will install numpy for you.

restricted is a boolean that will restrict access to the real js.document by creating a new XMLDocument into the js scope. Turn it on when running untrusted python code so it won’t have direct access to the DOM.