The pysandbox
library exports two classes: PyMainThreadSandbox
and PyWorkerSandbox
will execute python code on the main thread while PyWorkerSandbox
will execute python code in a web worker if crossOriginIsolated.
Both classes shares an identical interface and can be instantiated by passing in PySandboxOptions.
interface ISandbox { init: (options?: Record<string, any>) => Promise<any>; exec: (code: string, target?: string) => Promise<any>; installPackages: (packages: string[], options?: { keep_going: boolean; }) => Promise<void>; findImports: (code: string) => Promise<string[]>; formatCode: (code: string) => Promise<string>;}
The init
function takes an optional argument that will be passed in to polyscript’s define/XWorker interface for convinence.
takes the python code to be executed, as well as an optional DOM id as target if the code is expected to render an image or output some content.
will use Pyodide’s micropip to install packages for you.
will output a list of imports made by the python code. Note that imports are not same as packages and may conclude custom modules like js
or python stdlib.
uses black
for format your codeblock.
Example Usage:
const sandbox = new PyMainThreadSandbox();await sandbox.init();await sandbox.installPackages(["numpy", "matplotlib"]);await sandbox.exec(`...`, "output");